Castles are full of adventure and mystique and your students will love learning about medieval times. History is such a valuable subject to learn and a project about castles fuels imagination and builds enquiry skills. It also helps students to consider different perspectives and provides an excellent opportunity for creative expressions of learning.
Building castles is a great introduction to architecture and there are several different building styles. What roles did the castles play? Was it an important fortress, or a beautiful magical retreat? Let students use a simple pencil and paper to design their dream castles. Or use the provided templates in the resource castle creations. You can make a big castle out of cardboard boxes or create tiny castles using building blocks. Use the fact booklet to support the learning and help your students to travel the world to learn about different building styles.
Who lived in the castles? Exploring historical periods becomes more engaging if your students can learn about what people ate and how they spent their time. Dressing up is a wonderful way to learn about what people did wear and it encourages children to develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the topic.
Castles are often used as a setting for storytelling. Some students may like to write a story about real people who lived in a castle, while others may imagine a castle filled with princesses, knights, frogs and dragons. Their stories will surprise and delight you and any visitors to the classroom.
Create a complete project by including math and reading activities with a castle theme. BOOM cards provide not only hours of fun but also a perfect prompt for discussions about modern life.

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