to May! As many of us are saddened by the realization we will finish the school
year with distance learning, we are looking for ways to teach our students in a
fun manner parents can easily understand. May provides many holiday events to brighten our days and teach our
students such as Cinco De Mayo, Mother’s Day, and Memorial Day. Here are
products timed for May and appropriate for distance learning.
a great time learning about Cinco de Mayo. Celebrate this Mexican holiday by
exploring the history behind the celebrations. This fact booklet comes with
engaging art and writing activities.
Cinco de May with these color by code puzzles that are perfect for distance
learning. With these Cinco
De Mayo puzzles your students
will enjoy math, sight words and coloring while at the same time as they review
Common Core Standards.
for an adorable project to celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
Learning how to draw is a great
activity to boost self-confidence and the finished drawing makes a great gift
or classroom display.
your students to reflect and learn about the Mother’s Day tradition. The fact
booklet is perfect to use to support students to read and write about ways to
celebrate their moms, grandmothers, or important mother figures in their lives.
students will love reading about Memorial Day using this fact booklet. This
resource contains unique craftivities to help the students remember and
understand what this day is about.