Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December 2021 Resources

Celebrating the Festive Season and Christmas is a special experience for kids. Bringing the celebrations into the classroom is a wonderful way to make the learning memorable and the perfect opportunity to travel around the world to learn about Christmas traditions. Kids love learning about how kids in Germany, Russia, Italy, England, or France celebrate Christmas.

Getting your kids involved in making Christmas decorations inspired by traditions in other countries is a creative activity as well as a great learning opportunity. A way to open kids' eyes to different ways of celebrating Christmas. By offering experiences about different cultures in a well-informed way, there is a chance that kids will learn respect for different ways of life. Providing kids with opportunities to broaden their learning is vital and help kids to build their personal identity.

A Christmas directed drawing is the perfect complement to projects about the Christmas around the world. A way to learn how to draw familiar objects such as jingle bells, poinsettias, and candy canes. Kids can put their own personal touch to the Christmas classroom with their own writing and drawings.

A House is a House for Me by Mary Ann Hoberman is a lovely book that you can use during December to talk about the importance of home. During the festive season, many people decorate their homes. Decorating the homes with Christmas Nutcrackers is a German tradition. Kids love decorating their own dolls.
Reindeer! Reindeer! Reindeer! Learning about these majestic creatures and their lives in the Arctic is a wonderful way to make sure that December is filled with some interesting science. Keep your kids engaged as excitement builds for the end of the 2021.

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