Why Little Miss Muffet of course, and Humpty Dumpty, Mary Had a Little Lamb, Jack be Nimble, etc. are all characters that should be welcome in an early childhood classroom. Nursery rhymes are an excellent source for teaching a multitude of concepts, from fluency, rhyming, problem solving, etc. Not to mention, the activities you can do related to different nursery rhymes is just plain fun! Fewer and fewer of our children are coming to school knowing or even recognizing nursery rhymes, so using nursery rhymes in the classroom benefits learning in more ways than one.
How about using your classroom children’s names in place of Muffet? Children love reading their names and acting out the different nursery rhymes.
Which egg is the real Humpty Dumpty? This is a great science

The learning potentials are endless. Now it is just finding the time to get it all in!
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